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Wildlife Photography
Song Sparrow – Nicolet Bird Sanctuary – Oct. 2023
The Chipmunk and the birdseed
A Bunny on the side of the road
A Cedar Waxwing courtship ritual
the Red Fox and the Snapping Turtle
Good morning little Chipmunk. It’s nice to see you, but this birdseed is for birds, not for Chipmunks.
Chippy replied, “hmmmm – please, can I try just one”?
Nibble, nibble, nom, nom, nom, Crunch, GOOBLE, CHOMP, NOM, NOM, NOM!!
After finishing the entire pile, he said, “thank you for the birdseed, but if you want to feed just birds, you shouldn’t put out snacks Chippies love to eat!”
I thought to myself, wow! That is one smart Chipmunk!